HISTORY OF VIROLOGY:- The historic reason for the discovery and characterization of viruses, and a continui…
HISTORY OF VIROLOGY:- The historic reason for the discovery and characterization of viruses, and a continui…
The interaction between viruses and their hosts:- The interaction between viruses (and other infectious agen…
SCIENCE OF VIROLOGY:- The study of viruses has historically provided and continues to provide the basis for…
DISCUSSION:- Life evolutions occurs in water from unicellular prokaryotes. The major elements like C, H, O,…
SWARUPA OF AMA:- * Due to hypo-function of agni Apakwa aahar rasa doesn’t absorbed in body as prakruit aaha…
INTODUCTION:- Ayurved is science of life in which we will get description of whole u…
PHYSICAL METHODS FOR STUDYING VIRAL STRUCTURE:- It has been known for many years that viruses are smaller t…
STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION :- The unicellular microorganisms can…
Colds are readily transmissible to human volunteers by intranasal administration of human coron…
CLINICAL FEATURES:- The typical coronavirus cold is marked by nasal di…
Viral Replication:- The strategy of expression of the coronavirus g…
Two genera, Coronavirus and Torovirus, contain viruses infecting humans. The genus Coronavirus includes t…
The coronaviruses were so named because the unusually large club-shaped peplomers projecting from the envel…