Life evolutions occurs in water from unicellular prokaryotes. The major elements like C, H, O, N, P joined in hot water on earth and become cell. Although its incomplete cell which is called as viroid. In evolution process cover get developed on that. Now this viroid with cover is called as bacteroides. This evolution still going on. In short we can said that, virus formed due to incomplete digestion of CHONP element in hot water.
Scientist can recognise virus only when it’s connected with living cell. Its proved that virus is abnormal product of cell formation and not come from outside on cell. When indigestion condition occurs in our body, than all consumed elements from food is not digested proper, it’s make undigested Ama. This make abnormal aahar rasa called as Ama. This aahar rasa make our cells of body. As aahar rasa is abnormal than produced cells also abnormal.If cell is abnormal than DNA, GENE and protein synthesis of RNA also abnormal due to abnormal protein synthesis nucleic acid also become abnormal. Ultimately gene which is itself protein molecules also become abnormal . This genetic material which is produced from abnormal protein is virus. If we done lot work on computer and not refresh and problem occurs during saving than dead file or corrupted file produced in computer. If we not delete this corrupted file than its converted into virus .
In our body Ama -rasa which is occurs due to Agnimandya is produced abnormal protein/genetic code/genetic material and its virus.
This concept will useful to us to recognize heredity disease. Gene’s stimulation is two types - environmental and internal. Environmental is due to life style and internal is due to parental transfer. But in future this environmental stimulation is converted into internal stimulation. Ayurved also said that vhaydhi can occurs with bahya and abhyanar hetu. Krumi is one of the hetu of Ama. Krumi can produce Ama and Ama can produce krumi, Agnimandya can produce aam and aam can produce agnimandya, Same that Ama can produce virus and vice versa.
Virus is one genetic material without capsid. There are many question in-front of us like Virus is enter in our body from outside or its get generated in our body? Modern science give different theory regarding virus. In Ayurved abnormal aahar rasa called as Ama. This Ama is cause Which turn into virus and other pathogen. This concept will useful to us to recognize heredity disease.